Friday, 6 July 2007

Painter at work

Little Darling was busy at her painting this afternoon while I continued my exploration on the internet.

Her work for the day are here:

Monday, 2 July 2007

Arcade family

---- Me @ the "drum" ----

It was one of those rare occassions when Peng & Ling could take leave together.

Peng suggested that we take a leisurely lunch before visiting the arcade and catching a movies.

Naturally, the suggestion was well received by Ling, Little Darling and myself.

We had a good lunch at a Chinese resturant, and picked up our movie tickets before going to the arcade.

I do not liked those games that had simulation of racing cars as favoured by Ling. Neither do I like the violent, fighting games that seemed to be popular with the other visitors at the arcade. My favorites were the "bubble" and the "drum" games.

Initially each of us took a different game. Then Little Darling decided to "play against me". (Actually, she sat on Ling's lap & Ling held her hands to hit the drums)

"Ha, ha, ha. Mummy I win por-por", Little Darling announced after "winning" each game. Such innocence. Such naiveness. I was actually beaten by Ling's nimble and quick hands/ feet coordination .

Little Darling's interest quickly shifted to the dancing with her mummy, Peng.

Then we went to the movies before going home for dinner.

Saturday, 30 June 2007

I can walk !!! (cont'd)

"Work" had to be started, not only all over again, but from minus square one!!.

Franklin worked magic with his hands. I felt better each time I leave the clinic. But the "magic" got eroded with passing days. Fortunately, the residual "magic" was accumulative. After a number of physiotherapy sessions, the Pain on my left said goodbye and left me. The right side of my body remained hurtful but made good progress.

Then DISASTER struck without the any warning.

It came in the form of a sudden weakness in my right leg.

"P-R-O-N-K", I fell suddenly. The fall sent me crashing heavily, hard & fast onto the concrete floor.

When it happened, Ling, was happily chatting and walking besides me.

Upon recovering from her surprise, she tried unsuccessfully to pick me up. (Try picking up a size 18 female who is neither light nor petite) The pain at my swollen, right knee was excruciating. I tried standing with her help . She laughed at the funny situation that we were in.

"Don't laugh at me", I chided, but couldn't stop myself from giggling.

2 male staff on the premises where I fell, borrowed a wheelchair from the concierge. Then they helped Ling to help me, into the wheelchair & later got us into a taxi.

At the clinic, I wasn't unduely concerned. The X-ray that was done, showed no broken bones. The doctor send me home with some pain killers. Both the doctor and I ignorantly, expected my early recovery.

As my knee/knee cap were recovering, I tried standing. BUT the moment I stepped on the floor, a sharp pain shot down from my back to my right foot, bringing tears to my eyes.

I went to the doctor again.

The doctor referred me for "an early appointment" to see an orthopaedic surgeon -- An appointment that I rejected. The "early appointment" (big joke) was to be 3 weeks later!! It was also one week later than the day that the orthopaedic surgeon (who was treating my initial pain in my back, butt and leg) at the hospital was to review me. Moreover, my faith in doctors, particularly orthopaedic surgeons, had been much eroded over the past 15 years. Experience told me that they are "scapel happy" and are the last people to consider any alternatives to surgery.

Further, I was due to see Franklin.

The sight of Franklin with his ready smile, was enough to raise my low spirit 2 notches up. He contained his surprise to see me, in a wheelchair. Then he took over the wheelchair from my maid, wheeled me into the privacy of a consultation room before asking what had happened to me.

As Franklin re-assessed me, I shared my fear of a long confinement in the wheelchair. I was then when he responded in a comforting tone and assured me that I should eventually walk without any aids.

He was right.

I could walked again, without any form of help/support. (Albeit for a short distance)

In the interim, I was seen by the orthopaedic surgeon. I was still in the wheelchair then. After hearing about my fall, and that the X-ray showed no broken bones, he ordered for a "MRI" to be done before seeing me again. (Appointment: next month). During that consultation, the good doctor spent, all of 2 minutes with me.

On the other hand, I spent 3/4 of an hour in the process of registering/waiting to see the doctor. An equal amount of time was spent in making payment, getting appointment for the next review & appointment for "MRI". The collection of pain killers from the pharmacy took 28 minutes. Total time spent at the hospital: 3 and a half hours.

If I'm to take into consideration that I was escorted/assisted by my brother, the number of hours (for two persons) doubled to 7 hours. That is equivalent to almost a full day's work for a working adult.

I wondered how many work-days were thus lost, DAILY, in the various hospitals' corridors.

How much does this loss in time costs the economy??

I can walk!!!

Jun 29th, 2007

This morning, I found that I could walk independently!!

I walked without supporting myself with a quad stick!!.

EVEN though the distance covered was short. EVEN though my right leg chosed to give way within a minute or so of the walking.

I was thrilled to bits to find that my therapist’s assurance that I would eventually WALK, came true.

His “prediction” came as a comfort and assurance when he noted my fear of being confined to a wheelchair.

Most importantly, I OWE MY RECOVERY to him, physiotherapist, Mr. Franklin Chng of Emmanuel Physiotherapy.

“Call me Franklin” he said as self introduction, when we first met, during the end of 2006.

Meeting Franklin was by chance/fate.

I had a dull ache in my left shoulder. I saw different doctors and Chinese "sinsehs" without improvement. Then I developed a pain in my left lower back, butt and leg. Finally a doctor decided to refer me to an orthopaedic surgeon at a hospital. He, in turn, referred me to the physiotherapist who would see me 2 weeks later.

Elder daughter, Peng, suggested that in the meanwhile, I should seek alternative treatment at the chiropractor. When I went there, the chiropractor's clinic was closed for lunch break. Just next door, Emmanuel Physiotherapy was opened.

Franklin, a tall, handsome, young man, greeted me warmly as I stepped in. I informed him of my symptoms and enquired whether Emmanuel Physiotherapy could treat me. He responded in the afirmative & brought me into one of the consultation/therapy room.

As I laid down onto the examination couch for his examination, I remembered being nervous. At home, any movement would bring on pain. I wasn't sure what he was going to do by way of treatment & whether it was going to be painful. Franklin, in his soft, gentle, reassuring and professional manner, put me at ease. He was very careful & skilful as he moved me/my limbs.

After the examination/assessment, he proceeded with massaging a certain spot on my neck. 5 minutes or so, later, my right shoulder was okay!! (Remember: It was troubling me for months & I'd been to various doctors & Chinese "sinseh" to no avail.)

The pain in my left lower back, butt & leg was reduced.

Over the months that I “worked” with Franklin, he never failed to smile, regardless of how hectic his clinic was. His boss, another pleasant, cheerful physiotherapist, must be making a bundle. Slowly, under Franklin's care and management, my pain was almost gone.

Then I developed a bad cough which led to an asthma attack that required my hospitalization.

Upon discharged, I found that the right side of my body decided on replicating my condition on my left! Talk about a double whammy!!

(To be continued)

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Recent news

Took a break from the internet & went through a week’s worth of newspaper instead.

Did “speed reading” — my heart missed a beat when I thought I saw that we could only withdraw our CPF minimum sum at age 65, the new retirement age.

On a second, closer look, found that the rule is yet to be implemented.

Took a breathe of relief.

I have been waiting for the “longest time” to enjoy my CPF minimum sum when I turn 62. Any sudden change in ruling would upset my plans.

Another relief came about when I read that the number of cases in dengue fever has dropped. Phew.

Then, I shared the sense of grief that a young triathelete died on the field. What a painful loss to the family in particular n to our country. May his other siblings who have the same interest in event be blessed with safety.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Piglet painted by Little Darling

Por-por, l-o-o-k, this is Piglet” said Little Darling, holding up her latest painting, to show me.

“Oo–ooh, is that Piglet from Hundred Acre Woods?” I asked, as I took the painting over to have a closer look.

“Yes, she is Tiger’s & Eyore’s friend. Nice?” she asked.

I responded with “Yes, Darling, it's very nice. Good job.” and planted a kiss on her little cheek.

What do you think, folks??

Why? I’m leaving a legacy that money can’t buy.

Jun 26th, 2007

R-r-ring, r-r-ing, the doorbell rang.

I found Ann, my neighbour was at the door, yesterday.

“Chris, whad are you doing? I’ve not seen you outside for days”

“Busy. Venturing into the the internet & blogging”

“You crazy or whad?

Such stuff is for the young and reckless.

It’s exposing your life to the unknowns, out there!

So dan-ge-rous. WHY are you doing that?” came an outpour of questions from Ann.

“I agree, many young people blog. They blog on stuff close to their heart –music, games, ……… stuff that you and I may not identify with. At times, what they said, came across like a new language to me. Nevertheless, it is refreshing.

On the other hand, I’m not a rare oldie blogger. Countless blogs are done by the old and not so old. I understand & identify with their sharing better. Since I started blogging, I have found a couple of friendly, sincere bloggers. They have been very supportive and willing to help with tips on how to make my blog better.” (Folks, you know who you are & I’m listing YOU as my friends).

“I don’t see danger but have been learning daily” I replied.

“I still don’t see ‘Why?’ Your time is better spent over tea with me” rebutted Ann.

I continued “When I was younger, I kept a diary for a while. Then came other priorities.

In recent years, as the pace of my life slowed, my brain seem to slow in tandem. Perhaps due to lesser use and practice**, I am losing my English vocabulary and the ability to express myself in the language. Just a couple of days back, I tired my brain with the overload of information from the net.

Little Darling observed that and asked, “are you okay, por por?”

All I could find words to say, was “my brain is tired”.

“Oh, was your brain doing exercises?” queried the Little Darling as she got distracted by a butterfly and gave chase to it.

It took me half a day to find the appropriate term “mental fatigue”. In my head it went “mental something, wazit?” for hours.

Blogging should keep the language that I spent years to learn, alive.

It would be a journal of my golden years, n a record that I may refer to, to help me remember events.

PLUS: One day, when Little Darling learns to read on her own, she could gain more insight about me and my venturing into the internet.

It is going to be a unique legacy that money can’t buy” I added with a wink and a smile. :)

Then I went over to Ann’s place for our afternoon tea.

PS **Husband & my two daughters communicate with me in Cantonese. Most of my friends use Singlish.

Monday, 25 June 2007

Heh, heh, I beat you again ......

Jun 25th, 2007

Hi, friends.

Please accept my apologies for failing you.

For the past few days, you have visited, but saw nothing added in my blog. I am so sorry.

What happened?

Well, I was very, very busy exploring the internet.

It was quite a journey. I was buffeted and carried away, by wave after wave of information, information and more information as the “mouse” went “click”, “click”,”click”.

Very often, the ad infinitum of pages after pages of information had links that led to yet more pages of related information.

Problem: I got lost in that sea of information. After a number of “clicks”, I couldn’t find my initial page.

Fortunately, losing my initial page was unlike losing Ling’s 2 hrs’ worth of work (about a year ago.)

The loss then was a painful, heart-ache; but the loss now, on the contrary, is fun, fun, F-U-N.

I didn’t go to Ling for help. Instead, I enjoyed myself, day after day, clicking a link here and a link there. I got amused, each of the numerous times that I got “lost”. Then I hit on an idea. Viz: whenever I saw something that I liked to retain, I printed it.


No loss now if I am lost – there is the hard copy in my hand.

Heh, heh, I beat you again, you computer, aka “thing”, aka “monster”.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Help find Madeleine McCann

Came across a msg by Sara (, that pulls at my heart strings. Am posting this with the hope of helping little Madeliene McCann, who has been missing since May 2, 2007. P’haps you could do the same.

Saturday, 16 June 2007

Please order some tulips on the internet for me.

When I woke up this morning, I heard ”little darling” singing in her room.

As I approached her room, I heard yet another new song, coined by her. The lyrics went: ”hooray, hooray, my mommy is coming home today”.

Upon seeing me, she stopped her melodious (not everyone concur with this opinion) little song.

After our exchange of “good morning, por-por” and “good morning, darling” she said: “Por-por, please order some tulips on the internet for me. Mommy is coming home today”.

I can’t stop to marvel at the evolution of the humankind’s reaction and acceptance of information technology.

One day, perhaps twenty years ago, I went shopping (one of Singaporean’s fav pas-time) with my late mother. She noticed a queue at an ATM, observed that some people, after pressing a few times on the machine, moved away with cash in hand. In answer to her questions, I briefly explained what the ATM was about. Followed by my demonstration on how to withdraw some money.

Mother was thoroughly amazed; but concluded that she would rather deal directly with the bank cashier.

The next day, I shared the experience with my lunch-time “kakis”.**

Devi and Cheong, shared my mother’s mistrust and suspicion of the ATM. Devi voiced her fear that the ATM may issue lesser cash than recorded ………. etc. Her parting shot was, “I would rather go to the bank too”. Devi took many years to accept the use of ATM, on an URGENT basis only.

Those were the days when computers and such, were viewed with awe (by a good number of people besides Devi and I).

We were aware that the computers could do many things, besides saving a lot of time — when used by those who had the “know how”. Whereas Devi, many of my friends and I stood in awe of computers PLUS feared that a computer may blow up in our face at any time.

Over the years, more and more people accept the use of computers in their office and home.

Simultaneously, a whole generation of our children grew up, learning to use computers in schools. They use the word processors and spread sheets with ease. They refer to the ”Yellow Pages” on the internet when they need to check a phone number. They play games and make new friends via the net, on the computers. The list goes on.

Our grandchildren are growing up in an enviroment filled with computers and the constant mention of “the internet”.

Although I marvelled, I wasn’t very surprised when my little grand-daughter requested “please order some flowers on the internet for me”.

PS ”kakis” is Singlish. Translation: companions, friends, supporters. Originated from Malay where “kaki” means “leg”.

Friday, 15 June 2007


Hello new friends/visitors.

Hello old friends/visitors who shared my experience in starting my blog. You would have noticed that I’ve changed a couple of things in the “side bar arrangement”. The default “number of hits” is changed to “number of visitors”, “comments” became”what we have shared”.

Do you share my feeling that the changes made my blog more personal?

P-l-e-a-s-e, please may I have your comments and suggestion on further improvements.

Besides ”playing” with the “widgets” which enabled me to make those changes, I explored with the item termed ”themes”.

A click on “themes” opened a series of templates. Clicking on a template changed the header on my blog. I had great fun clicking one template after another. It was a treat for my eyes in noting the difference and effect on the blog with each click. At the end of the day, I found Ling’s initial choice of the header suits me and my blog best. So I retain it.

Besides the templates under “Themes”, there are programes to (a) customise the header, (b) edit CSS and (c) enable snap preview.

Bye for now.

Am continuing with my exploration.

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Ay, what happened to my page?

Was collected but still very excited yesterday.

Am a lot more settled today n viewing the 2 entries in my blog with pride.

Then noted that the banner, which I yesterday thought was an advertisement, was appearing on top of my blog again. It made a beautiful header for my page. I wondered; “Ay, how did this happened?”

“Ling, look, ’WordPress’ has put in a beautiful header for me!”

“My blog appears more attractive”.

“Mom, that was NOT done by ‘WordPress’; I did it for you”.

“You did.?”



“Must be a lot of work? How long did it take to do something like this?” were the questions that I shot at Ling.

“Mum, slow down. I made your blog ‘more attractive’, soon after you completed ’New start’ “.

“I wanted to give you a pleasant surprise as I’m quite sure you would like it. Knowing you n all your excitement, I figured you would ask me about it, when you are collected enough to notice the change”.

“Hey, darling, I’m really not that blur lah**. I saw the header yesterday, but thought it was some form of internet advertisement. Didn’t pay much attention to it then. When I saw it again today, I had a closer look n realised that it is a header for my page.” I said in defence.

“How to do it? How much time did you spend on doing it?” I continued to ask.

“I didn’t do it from scratch, but used the templates provided by ‘WordPress”. It took a couple of minutes only. It is easy to learn too. So try it mum. Besides this, there are a lot of other stuff that you could use to enhance your page. Explore on your own and have fun”.

“You bet I would”

PS **”Hey, darling, I’m really not that blur lah” is “Singlish“ (Translation: “Hey, darling, I’m not that unobservant”)

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Confronted the “thing”, stood my ground n won


Am much collected now. Able to recall how I confronted the “thing” (aka computer), stood my ground and won!

Looking back, it has been more than a year since I first switched on a computer.

My 2 darling daughters, on learning my decision to duel with the “thing”. CHEERED!

2rd daughter, Ling, offered to be my mentor and aide-de-camp for the duel.

In preparation for the confrontation, Ling, my daughter/mentor imparted to me, a glossary of new words. Mastering the glossary was a mega challenge for me as I have a short term memory.

Shortly into the turtoring, I asked: “what is “……” & “what is” …….” for the umpteenth times.

Ling patiently repeated herself and then suggested: “Before you forget, write it down in your own words, what ……… means”.

As I hurriedly attempted to scribble into my notebook, Ling exhorted, ”Wait, understand first, before you write, no need to rush”,

After 2 hours, I developed a severe headache, a bad attack of confusion and the desire to throw in the towel.

“I’m sorry mum, maybe I loaded you too quickly n caused u an information overload. Rest. Don’t push yourself. Duelling the computer can be fun.” came the reassuring response from Ling.

“I can’t” I whined.

“You can. Just don’t give up” said Ling.

“Yes! you can, por-por*” piped my ‘little darling’ (aka grand-daughter) shooting a clenched, little, 4 years old fist (She is 5 years old now) into the air — very much alike a motivational speaker whom I knew.

“Yes! you can” Ling & “little darling” chorused.

Then “little darling” broke into a dance and sang as she salsa around the room.

My headache broke, and my confusion cleared — like magic; as I enjoyed my ”little darling’s” song n dance.

“Yes! I can”, I echoed them. As I punched the air with a clenched fist, I added: “YES, I could n I would”.

“Ling, continue please.”

“Let me confront this “thing”, and take it on seriously”.

As I said so, I sat, with fresh determination, in front of the computer. THEN, with much grit, I switched on the computer for the first time.

After which, I turned to my “little darling” with a chuckle, a smug smile n the tongue in cheek comment: ”Heh, heh, I got it.”

From then, days turned into weeks and weeks into months.

Meanwhile, “Little darling” has turned 5.

During that period, Ling taught me “spreadsheet” and ”wordprocessing”. In the course of which, I once, accidently erased 2 hours’ worth of her hard work in one of her projects. My heart ached, when I noticed that she courageously fought back the tears that brimmed in her eyes as she remarked: ”I should have practised what I taught; and saved my work like I’ve told you”.

A few days after that incident, as I was practising on my computer, a dialogue box popped up on the screen.


“Oh no, not again” I whispered to myself, as a knot grew in my stomach.

I called out anxiously, “Ling, Ling, I’m so sorry, I must have done something which I’m not suppose to do, again”.

Ling came to me, put her arm round my shoulder saying, “mum, relax”.

After taking a look at the screen, she explained that the dialogue box was a msg from the security software which was installed in the computer. The security software was reminding us to do some updating.

From then on, as in the cliche oft quoted, “It was history.”

I have confronted my fear of the computer, challenged it, stood my ground and WON!!!

PS *”por-por” is a Cantonese (Chinese dialect) term, used in addressing or refering to our maternal grandmother.

Monday, 11 June 2007

New start

WHOA !!!

I can’t imagine that I am finally BLOGGING!!!

Me, a 61 years young lady, who not so long ago feared that this “thing” (aka computer) may blow up in my face any time.

I am too excited to continue. Thank you for sharing this GREAT moment. Do visit tomorrow & continue my new journey with me.