Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Why? I’m leaving a legacy that money can’t buy.

Jun 26th, 2007

R-r-ring, r-r-ing, the doorbell rang.

I found Ann, my neighbour was at the door, yesterday.

“Chris, whad are you doing? I’ve not seen you outside for days”

“Busy. Venturing into the the internet & blogging”

“You crazy or whad?

Such stuff is for the young and reckless.

It’s exposing your life to the unknowns, out there!

So dan-ge-rous. WHY are you doing that?” came an outpour of questions from Ann.

“I agree, many young people blog. They blog on stuff close to their heart –music, games, ……… stuff that you and I may not identify with. At times, what they said, came across like a new language to me. Nevertheless, it is refreshing.

On the other hand, I’m not a rare oldie blogger. Countless blogs are done by the old and not so old. I understand & identify with their sharing better. Since I started blogging, I have found a couple of friendly, sincere bloggers. They have been very supportive and willing to help with tips on how to make my blog better.” (Folks, you know who you are & I’m listing YOU as my friends).

“I don’t see danger but have been learning daily” I replied.

“I still don’t see ‘Why?’ Your time is better spent over tea with me” rebutted Ann.

I continued “When I was younger, I kept a diary for a while. Then came other priorities.

In recent years, as the pace of my life slowed, my brain seem to slow in tandem. Perhaps due to lesser use and practice**, I am losing my English vocabulary and the ability to express myself in the language. Just a couple of days back, I tired my brain with the overload of information from the net.

Little Darling observed that and asked, “are you okay, por por?”

All I could find words to say, was “my brain is tired”.

“Oh, was your brain doing exercises?” queried the Little Darling as she got distracted by a butterfly and gave chase to it.

It took me half a day to find the appropriate term “mental fatigue”. In my head it went “mental something, wazit?” for hours.

Blogging should keep the language that I spent years to learn, alive.

It would be a journal of my golden years, n a record that I may refer to, to help me remember events.

PLUS: One day, when Little Darling learns to read on her own, she could gain more insight about me and my venturing into the internet.

It is going to be a unique legacy that money can’t buy” I added with a wink and a smile. :)

Then I went over to Ann’s place for our afternoon tea.

PS **Husband & my two daughters communicate with me in Cantonese. Most of my friends use Singlish.

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